What We Do

Transforming lives from within™

Functional Medicine Testing

Specialized Tests to Identify Root Causes

Identifying root causes of illness through specialized functional medicine tests.

Exploring underlying dysfunction, instead of end-result diagnosis only.

Examining underlying processes, rather than treating symptoms alone.

Evaluating & optimizing cellular, hormonal, microbiome, gut, nervous system and musculoskeletal function to achieve wellness.

Using functional medicine tests in combination with regular laboratory tests to understand cellular, organ, and system health status.

What is Functional Medicine Testing?

Functional medicine testing explores the underlying root cause functions and processes of health and disease.

Understanding the underlying root causes and processes of disease helps us understand how to assist the body in creating wellness and overcoming illness by supporting its innate healing capacities and correcting imbalances.

Treating merely symptoms alone often leads to continual manifestations of disease in different forms. For instance, when childhood eczema is not addressed at the root cause, it often turns to asthma in teenage and young adult years, and into arthritis later on in life.

By identifying and addressing root causes, for instance, a chronic infection, immune dysregulation, emotional trauma reaction or food allergies, we are able to help the body heal more deeply reducing the risks for chronic disease later.

We provide both in-house and outsourced diagnostic testing to determine the root causes of each patient’s condition.

We work with leading national laboratories, like Lab Corp and Quest, as well as several functional medicine laboratories nationally and internationally to conduct testing not available through local labs.

We then use the information derived from these tests to design a personalized course of action to achieve wellness and overcome disease.

Learn more below about the different diagnostic functional tests we offer both in-house and through CLIA-certified laboratories.