What We Do

Transforming lives from within™

Naturopathic Primary Care

Integrative Personalized Primary Care

Treat disease first through food & lifestyle, oxygen therapy, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, homeopathy & exercise therapy; utilize prescription medications and surgery as a final resource

Evidenced-based laboratory and functional medicine diagnostic evaluation of the whole person

Find & treat root causes of disease

Focus on prevention & wellness as key to optimum health

Treat disease through non-invasive natural therapies that support the body’s innate healing capacities

Our providers have over 20 years of experience in Naturopathic Primary Care

What is Naturopathic Primary Care?

Naturopathic Primary Care offers an integrative health care approach which first supports the inherent healing mechanism of the body while educating and addressing the whole person.

Our team of experienced licensed naturopathic family medical doctors implement the finest of Western medicine care in combination with the best of Eastern and Natural medicine to treat root causes of disease, prevent illness, and optimize wellness.

Our naturopathic primary care physicians practice the foundational principles of Naturopathic Medicine which include:

First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)
The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)
Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam)
Treat the Whole Person
Doctor as Teacher (Docere)

Our doctors have graduated from Bastyr University, known as the 'Harvard of Natural Medicine." They have studied medical sciences for at least 10 years: 4 years of pre-med/undergraduate work, 4 years of study and internship in naturopathic, conventional and osteopathic medicines, and 2 years of Residency in Naturopathic Family Medicine.

Our physicians are licensed and well-versed in the following diagnostic and therapeutic modalities: clinical and laboratory diagnostic testing, nutritional medicine, botanical medicine, naturopathic physical medicine (including naturopathic manipulative therapy), public health measures, hygiene, counseling, minor surgery, homeopathy, acupuncture, prescription medication, and intravenous and specialized injection therapies.

Our primary care physicians may:
Order blood tests and imaging
Do annual exams
Refer to specialists
Prescribe naturopathic medicines & if necessary, pharmaceutical medications
Treat underlying conditions, acute or chronic
Activate the body's innate healing powers

Our primary care providers, Dr. Nina Paroo & Dr. Justin Newell are contracted by several insurance companies.

Naturopathic Primary Care